📚🌟 Fun with Numbers in Primary One! 🌟📚
15th Jan 2025
Today in P1, we took our learning outdoors and had an amazing time using the giant Numicon on the playground! 

We started by working together to create a number line, putting the Numicon pieces in order from 1 to 10. Then, we played a fun game where Mrs Wady or Miss McBurney would sneakily take away a number while we weren’t looking, and we had to figure out which number was missing! 

We also challenged ourselves to make different numbers in creative ways. For example, we used a 4, a 2 and a 1 to make a 7 – such fantastic problem-solving from everyone! 

It was a brilliant mix of outdoor learning, teamwork, and fun! 

Sunnylands Primary School, 96 Sunnylands Avenue, Carrickfergus, County Antrim BT38 8JJ
Telephone Number: 028 93 362 333