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Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus


9th Sep 2024
Primary 3 have been looking at how we can use logos to help us identify different...
9th Sep 2024
Primary 3 have been enjoying reading Superworm by Julia Donaldson! We were able...
9th Sep 2024
As part of our Superheroes topic, Primary 3 have been looking at onomatopoeic words...
9th Sep 2024
Primary 3 have been exploring their number facts using the Cuisenaire rods!
9th Sep 2024
We have settled into our new classroom, and have been looking at how we are all...
9th Sep 2024
Primary 2 had a super Muddy Monday to kick of the year. They began with some outdoor...
6th Sep 2024
P4 have been busy with their ‘All About Me’ topic!We have been creating...