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Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus

Antibullying week in P6!

17th Nov 2023

This week it was Anti-Bullying Week! P6 took part in lots of different activties themed around 'Reaching out' when we need help.
Miss Hamilton, our student teacher, led us in a drama lesson where we had to create freeze frames which showed different scenes of bullying. Then we had to create a short performance at the end of the lesson which we showcased to our classmates! Everyone was very impressed with our performances. 

Later in the week, we watched Disney's short film, 'For The Birds', a story of how we are all different, and that's what makes us so special! We had to watch the film and work in groups to identify any bullying behaviour, what may have caused it, and the effects it could have on a person! We then took turns discussing who can help us and how. As part of this lesson we used PicCollage on the iPads to design our own anti-bullying posters as part of our persuasive writing topic in literacy.