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Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus

Back to School!

2nd Sep 2019

It has been a real pleasure to welcome the new P7 class to Room 9 this year!  So far, we have covered our Golden Rules and have understood the importance of becoming more independent, in order that we can be confident about moving on to Big School in one year's time.  That sounds daunting, but we have a whole year to do it.

We have talked about the importance of 'stepping up to the plate' in P7 and taking responsibility for things like:  being punctual, getting homeworks in on time, bringing PE kit, notes for absences, neatness and taking overall responsibility for our learning and our behaviour.

We are looking forward to learning about The Victorians and understanding how we can make connections in our learning.  We will cover the World Around Us through the themes in this topic.

Onwards and upwards!