Access Keys:

Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus

Belfast Zoo🦒

13th Jun 2024

Primary 2 had a super day at the zoo, despite the weather! ☔️


They braved the rain and the steep hills and managed to see lots of animals. They particularly liked the penguins, lions, capybaras, giraffes and the flamingos 🐧🦁🦒🦩


Primary 2 enjoyed their talk in the education Centre where they were able to see a tarantula up close, hold a stick insect and pet a cute little hedgehog and a snake. 🐍🦔🕷️


The highlight just might have been having the park all to ourselves. We packed our Muddy Monday trousers which allowed us to use all of the park equipment without worrying! Check out some excited faces on the extra slippy slides! 🛝