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Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus

Class of the Month...

11th Oct 2017

Although under the guidance of Miss McConkey (she is sooooo competitive) the P3 class put up an admirable 'fight', the P6 class (who else?) eventually were crowned Class of the Month.

This award is given to the class who have won the most stars in a particular month. A star may be awarded for a number of reasons (good manners, line up, behaviour in Assembly etc) and a running total which is displayed at the front of school, shows how each class is progressing. The stars are awarded by Mrs Lyons.

The winning class (did I mention it was P6?) are given a number of options on what activity they would like to do during that week's Golden Time.

The P6 class chose a Bouncy Castle complete with Disco!!!

We are already deciding what we would like next month :-)