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Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus

Jelly making in Miss Gourley's class!

8th Feb 2019

We have been learning about the letter 'j', we know what sound it makes and we know how to write the letter 'j'. We all knew that jelly began with the 'j' sound, so Miss Gourley allowed us to make some yummy strawberry jelly.

We all had to wash our hands first and then we were able to break up the cubes of jelly into the bowl, it was really tough but we have such big strong muscles in our class we managed no problem!

Once we added in all the cubes of jelly, we got to smell our hands and they smelt like strawberries. Miss Gourley had to boil the kettle and we all knew that we can't go near the kettle as it is very hot. Miss Gourley showed us how she was safe using the kettle and poured the boiling hot water into the jelly cubes.

Miss Gourley mixed the cubes until they had MELTED and we then went to put the jelly in to the fridge.

The next day we couldn't believe  how wibbly wobbly the jelly was from being in the fridge. We all got to enjoy jelly and ice-cream, what a treat!

The boys and girls then wrote about how to make jelly, and Miss Gourley was so proud of us all.