Access Keys:

Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus

Logging in to MySchool

13th Jan 2021

Some people are still having problems accessing Google Classroom.

To over come this, log in using My School.

Go to your Google search engine and type in My School login.

Click on the top link.

Enter your username you use in school (your name and 3 numbers) and your password which is primary6b or primary6c if you have already changed it.

Once logged in go to My Links and click on that.

That will take you to your Apps. On the top row in the left hand corner you will see Google Classroom. Click on that and it will take you straight (no username or passwords required) to the classroom.

The added bonus of going this way means you will also have easy access to Newsdesk.

If you have forgotten your username, please contact the school and we will provide that.

I hope this helps and removes any current confusion. I have attached pictorial help too.