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Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus

Mars Week 2024 🛰️🚀

8th Mar 2024


‘Can humans move to Mars?’

During Mars Week, P6 had to conduct a series of experiments to decide whether Mars would be the ideal place for humans to set up a new home! 

Firstly, we researched Mars Rovers, ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Curiosity’ and discussed their features, before designing our own using junk materials! We had to include features which we felt would help us explore the surface of Mars. 

After that, we used Lego WeDo to build prototypes of our rovers. We followed instructions and worked in teams to build and code a discovery robot which could be used to explore. 

Finally, we had a think about creating human bio-domes outdoors during Forest School, creating a specialist environment for humans to live in, once they get to Mars!

Watch this space for our continued research into the question, ‘Can humans move to Mars?’🚀🛰️