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Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus

P7 Shared Education Trip to Crumlin Road Gaol

13th May 2019

P7s visited Crumlin Road Gaol on Thursday, as part of their Shared Education experience. We were shown around the Victorian Goal by Claire, who was very well-informed and told us lots of extra little stories and details.

We saw the inside of the Governor's office, which had lovely carpet and fine furnishings. This was in great contrast to the conditions which the prisoners had to live in - sparsely furnished, with a hard floor, a chamber pot and sometimes 6 people to a cell! We also realised that children could be imprisoned for stealing as little as an apple from someone's garden. Furthermore, in Victorian times, the children had to obey the 'Silent Regime', where they were not allowed to talk to each other and had to wear masks, covering the lower part of their face.

We learned a lot and were able to run around and play alongside the helicopter in the exercise yard.... but that is another story!