Access Keys:

Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus

Shaftsbury Park

9th Mar 2023

P7 laughed in the face of the weather forecast for today! Ha, Ha, Ha!!!

Braving the elements, P7 set off for Shaftesbury Park this morning to build on our orienteering skills from last week.

This week we had to use a compass to get our orientation and then using our North as our key point, follow a set of instructions to locate certain pin locations on trees.

We had the added distraction of 'booby-traps' that a certain sneaky teacher set to ensure we followed the steps in chronological order and didn't just follow the group in front...Some people fell for that one!

However, a number of groups used the compass AND the instructions to locate the right coloured pins in the correct order.

Well done to Jack and Carson who worked brilliantly together and were first to finish.