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Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus
Early Finish - 4th April 1pm
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School Management

While the day to day running of the school is the duty of the Principal, the overall responsibility for the school management rests with the Board of Governors where the Principal plays a central role.

The Board of Governors meet regularly to consider all matters pertaining to the management of the school including; staffing and finance. It is constituted every four years and consists of nine voting members and the Principal. The Board was reconstituted in September 2018 and will continue until 2022 and is as follows:

EA representatives    
    Mrs M. Beattie (Chair)

Transferors’ Representatives    
    Mr. H. Kirk (Vice-Chair)
    Mrs. Kathryn Robinson

    Mr R. Skelton

    Rev. C. St. John

Parents’ Representatives    
    Mrs A. Wilson    


Teachers’ Representative    
    Miss R. Braniff

Principal and Secretary to the Board of Governors:   Mrs J. Lyons