Who's Who

Mrs Lyons became Principal in August 2017. She previously taught at Carrickfergus Model Primary School. Mrs Lyons is from Carrickfergus.

Mrs Beggs joined the Sunnylands staff in December 2018 after many years working in primary schools in the East Antrim area. Mrs Beggs looks after the specialist things in the office, such as paying bills and other important things.

Mrs MacDonald is an Early Years Specialist, and a trained Forest School Leader. She teaches Primary 1, co-ordinates music throughout the school and teaches the school choir.

Mrs Boyd is an Early Years Specialist and a trained Forest School Leader.
She is responsible for co-ordinating World Around Us throughout the school.

Miss McConkey grew up in the Whitehead area and taught in Scotland for a year before joining the Sunnylands' staff in August 2014. As well as teaching P3 she teaches Drama, is the Special Educational Needs coordinator, co-ordinated Literacy in Foundation Stage/Key Stage 1 and is part of the Senior Leadership Team.

Miss Arlow joined Sunnylands in 2023. She teaches Primary 4.

Mrs Campbell teaches Primary 5.

Mrs Nelson joined Sunnylands in 2021. She teaches Primary 6, helps prepare children for AQE and is responsible for co-ordinating Health and Well-being throughout the school.

Mr Smyth joined the staff of Sunnylands in September, 2013 after retraining as a teacher following many years working around the world as an engineer. As well as teaching P7 he co-ordinates Numeracy within the school and coaches both our junior and senior football teams.

Mrs Beresford has been teaching at Sunnylands for 20 years. She has previously taught P4, and this year will be working with small groups of SEN children. Alongside this she is the PDMU coordinator, runs our Shared Education programme and leads the school council.

Mrs Porter has taught in Sunnylands for all of her teaching career. She works alongside small groups of children, supporting their learning and works closely with our newcomer children.

Mrs Wady supports teaching and learning in Primary 1.

Mrs Lewis supports teaching and learning in Primary 2.

Miss Waite is currently working to support learning in Primary 2.

Mrs Kenny is currently working to support learning in Primary 2.

Miss McCaughran is currently working to support learning in Primary 3.

Miss Howes is currently working to support learning in Primary 3.

Mrs Nelson is currently working to support learning in Primary 3.

Mrs Finlay is currently working to support learning in Primary 4.

Mrs Peden is currently working to support learning in Primary 4.

Mrs Kane is currently working to support learning in Primary 5.

Miss Patchett is currently working to support learning in Primary 5.

Miss Riddell is currently working to support learning in Primary 5.

Miss Weatherhead is currently working to support learning in Primary 6.

Mrs McWilliam is currently working to support learning in Primary 6.

Mrs Gourley is currently working to support learning in Primary 6.

Mrs Connolly is currently working to support learning in Primary 7.

Mrs Wharry is currently working to support learning in Primary 7.

Mrs Thom is currently working to support learning in Primary 4.

Mrs Boyd, and she is assisted by Mrs Clark, Mrs Hamilton, Mrs Harris and Mrs Purdy.
Sunnylands Primary School, 96 Sunnylands Avenue, Carrickfergus, County Antrim BT38 8JJ
Telephone Number: 028 93 362 333