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Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus

Day 3 Shannaghmore

23rd Mar 2022

Another early start today and after breakfast we split into 2 groups. 

1 group went 'scrambling' on Pigeon Rock. This involves climbing a steep hill while climbing over/under/through large granite rocks which have fallen over hundreds of years. From the road it doesn't look like a big task but up close, it can be quite daunting.

The other group tackled a lot of fears by taking on the high ropes. A lot of children (and adults) don't like heights and putting your faith in some lengths of rope takes some getting used to. Especially after all the wonderful food we have had this week!

After lunch the groups swapped over and took on the other challenge.

Once we had dinner (chicken curry tonight), the group were challenged with completing the nightlife. This involves being blindfolded and following the leader guided by a rope. The communication skills have to be at a premium during this activity otherwise disaster can strike ,especially when the un-blindfolded are setting traps!!!

Once this was done we had to start packing (I know, hard to believe) as we are returning home tomorrow.

However, as it is Marcus's Birthday today and our last night, we got 12 bags of chips from 'Top of The Town' in Newcastle and had chip butties...:-)